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This script contains routines used by other scripts of the Plico suite. It must be located in the same directory as any script that uses these routines.

Copy and paste the following into a text editor and save in your scripts folder as plicoCommon.spt.

#   plicoCommon - Jmol script by Ron Mignery
#   v1.12 beta    4/12/2016 -axis is now a reserved word
#   Routines and values common to all Plico suite scripts
#   Must be present in the same directory as other Plico scripts that use it
kCommon = 7
kDtolerance = 0.1
kCtolerance = 1.85
gMouseX = 0
gMouseY = 0
gMinNo = 1
gMaxNo = 9999
gOK = true # global return value to work around jmol *feature*
gOk2 = true # "    "
gScheme = "Jmol"
gAltScheme = "Rasmol"
gBusy = false
gEcho = ""
gMenuMin = false

# Return L tetrahedron point if i1<i2<i3, else R point
function get_tet_idx(i1, i2, i3, dist) {
    var v1 = {atomIndex=i3}.xyz - {atomIndex=i2}.xyz
    var v2 = {atomIndex=i1}.xyz - {atomIndex=i2}.xyz
    var caxis = cross(v1, v2)
    var pma = ({atomIndex=i1}.xyz + {atomIndex=i3}.xyz)/2
    var pmo = {atomIndex=i2}.xyz + {atomIndex=i2}.xyz - pma
    var pt = pmo + (caxis/caxis)

    var v = pt - {atomIndex=i2}.xyz
    var cdist = distance(pt, {atomIndex=i2})
    var factor = (dist/cdist)
    var lpt = v * factor

    return lpt + {atomIndex=i2}.xyz

function get_trigonal_idx(i1, i2, i3, dist) {
    var v1 = {atomIndex=i1}.xyz - {atomIndex=i2}.xyz
    var v2 = {atomIndex=i3}.xyz - {atomIndex=i2}.xyz
    var pt = {atomIndex=i2}.xyz - (v1 + v2)

    var v = pt - {atomIndex=i2}.xyz
    var cdist = distance(pt, {atomIndex=i2})
    var factor = (dist/cdist)
    var lpt = (v * factor)

    return lpt + {atomIndex=i2}.xyz

# Selected must include second parameter but not the first
# Static may be just a point
function set_distance_atoms( static, mobile, desired) {
    try {
        var s = ((static.type == "point") ? static :        
        var v = - s
        var dist = distance(s, mobile)
        translateSelected @{(v * (desired/dist)) - v}
    catch {
function set_distance_idx( staticIdx, mobileIdx, desired) {
    set_distance_atoms({atomIndex=staticIdx}, {atomIndex=mobileIdx}, desired)

# Selected must include third parameter but not the first
# Stator and pivot may be just points
function set_angle_atoms( stator, pivot, rotor, toangle) {
    try {
        var s = ((stator.type == "point") ? stator :        
        var p = ((pivot.type == "point") ? pivot :        
        var v1=s - p
        var - p
        var caxis = cross(v1, v2) + p
        var curangle =  angle(stator, pivot, rotor)
        rotateselected @caxis @pivot @{curangle-toangle}
    catch {
        print format("unable to set_angle_atoms( stator=%s, pivot=%s, rotor=%s, toangle=%f)",
            stator, pivot, rotor, toangle)
function set_angle_idx( statorIdx, pivotIdx, rotorIdx, toangle) {
    set_angle_atoms({atomIndex=statorIdx}, {atomIndex=pivotIdx},
        {atomIndex=rotorIdx}, toangle)

# Selected must include fourth parameter but not the first
function set_dihedral_atoms( stator, pivot1, pivot2, rotor, toangle) {
    try {
        var curangle =  angle(stator, pivot1, pivot2, rotor)
        rotateselected {pivot2} {pivot1} @{curangle-toangle}
    catch {
function set_dihedral_idx( statorIdx, pivot1idx, pivot2idx, rotorIdx, toangle) {
    set_dihedral_atoms({atomIndex = statorIdx}, {atomIndex = pivot1idx},
        {atomIndex = pivot2idx}, {atomIndex = rotorIdx}, toangle)

function angle_idx_4( a1idx, a2idx, a3idx, a4idx) {
    return angle({atomIndex=a1idx}, {atomIndex=a2idx},
        {atomIndex=a3idx}, {atomIndex=a4idx})

# First and last are BB atoms
# Any side atoms in the range are also selected
function select_nward_idx (firstIdx, lastIdx) {
    var firstno = ((firstIdx < 0) ? {atomIndex=lastIdx}.atomno : {atomIndex=firstIdx}.atomno)
    var lastno = ((lastIdx < 0) ? firstno : {atomIndex=lastIdx}.atomno)
    var iChain = ((firstIdx < 0)
        ? {atomIndex=lastIdx}.chain : {atomIndex=firstIdx}.chain)

    select ((atomno <= firstno) and (atomno >= lastno) and (chain = iChain)
        and thisModel)
    if ({(atomno=firstno) and (chain=gChain)
        and thisModel}.atomName == "C") { # if psi
        add_sc_to_select(firstno-1, true, true, iChain)
        var a = {(atomno=@{firstno+1}) and (chain=iChain) and thisModel}
        a.selected = true # add O
    if ({(atomno=firstno) and (chain=iChain)
        and thisModel}.atomName == "CA") {
        add_sc_to_select(firstno, true, false, iChain)
    if ({(atomno=lastno) and (chain=iChain)
        and thisModel}.atomName == "C") { # if psi
        add_sc_to_select(lastno-1, false, false, iChain)

function add_sc_to_select(CAno, isAdd, addOXT, iChain) {
    var res = {(atomno=CaNo) and (chain=iChain) and thisModel}.resno
    var scset = {(resno=res) and (chain=iChain) and thisModel and sidechain}
    if (addOXT) {
        scset = scset or get_atom_rcn(res, iChain, "OXT")
    if (isAdd) {
        select add scset
    else {
        select remove scset

# First and last are BB atoms
# Any side atoms in the range are also selected
function select_cward_idx (firstIdx, lastIdx) {
    var firstno = ((firstIdx < 0) ? gMaxNo : {atomIndex=firstIdx}.atomno)
    var lastno = ((lastIdx < 0) ? 1 : {atomIndex=lastIdx}.atomno)
    var iChain = ((firstIdx < 0)
        ? {atomIndex=lastIdx}.chain : {atomIndex=firstIdx}.chain)

    # If nWard anchor in range, begin selection with it
    if ((gNanchorIdx >= 0) and ({atomIndex=gNanchorIdx}.chain == iChain))  {
        var aNo = {atomIndex=gNanchorIdx}.atomno
        if (aNo > firstNo) {
            firstno = aNo

    # If cWard anchor in range, end selection with it
    if ((gCanchorIdx >= 0) and ({atomIndex=gCanchorIdx}.chain == iChain))  {
        var aNo = {atomIndex=gCanchorIdx}.atomno
        if (aNo < lastNo) {
            lastno = aNo

    select ((atomno >= firstno) and (atomno <= lastno) and (chain = iChain)
        and thisModel)

    if ({(atomno=firstno) and (chain=iChain)
        and thisModel}.atomName == "C") { # if psi
        add_sc_to_select(firstno-1, false, false, iChain)
    if ({(atomno=lastno) and (chain=iChain)
        and thisModel}.atomName == "CA") {
        add_sc_to_select(lastno, true, false, iChain)
    if ({(atomno=lastno) and (chain=iChain)
        and thisModel}.atomName == "C") { # if psi
        add_sc_to_select(lastno-1, true, true, iChain)
        var a = {(atomno=@{lastno+1}) and (chain=iChain) and thisModel}
        a.selected = true # add O

# tug.spt needed to handle collisions
function to_handle_collisions( idx) {
    # Load tug functions
    if (kTug < 3) {
        script $SCRIPT_PATH$tug.spt
        if (kTug < 3) {
            prompt ("A newer version of tug.SPT is required")
    handle_collisions( idx)

function count_collisions(rc) {
    var cAtoms = ({})
    for (var idx = {thisModel}.min.atomIndex;
        idx <= {thisModel}.max.atomIndex; idx++) {
        if ({atomIndex=idx} and {element!="H"}) {
            var lcAtoms = (within(kCtolerance, false, {atomIndex=idx})
                and {atomIndex > idx} and {element!="H"}
                and not connected({atomIndex=idx}))
            if (lcAtoms) {
                cAtoms = cAtoms or lcAtoms or {atomIndex=idx}
                for (var i = 1; i <= lcAtoms.size; i++) {
                    print format("Collision of ({%d}) with %s", idx, lcAtoms[i])
                    if (rc == true) {
                        measure {atomindex=idx} {@{lcAtoms[i]}}
    return cAtoms

# Utility
function get_atom_rcn( iResno, iChain, iName) {
    return {(resno=iResno) and (chain=iChain) and (atomName=iName)
        and thisModel}

# Utility
function atom_noc( iNo, iChain) {
    return {(atomno=iNo) and (chain=iChain) and thisModel}

# A handy debug routine
function hi {
    hover "%D %U"

function plico_menu_toggle() {
    var yr = _height-25
    if ((_mouseY > (_height-25)) and (_mouseX < 300)) {
        if (gMenuMin) {
            echo @gEcho
        else {
            var p = gEcho.find("|")
            if (p > 0) {
                echo @{gEcho[1][p-1]}
            else {
        gMenuMin = !gMenuMin
    gBusy = false

function plico_prelim(repair, backup) {

    # Push selected
    gSelSaves = {selected}
    select (thisModel)

    # Bad idea to proceed when collisions present
    while (repair) {
        var cc = count_collisions(({})).size
        if (cc > 0) {
            var p = prompt(format("%d collision%s present!\nProceed anyway?",
                cc, ((cc > 1) ? "s" : "")), "OK|Cancel|Repair", true)
            if (p == "Cancel") {
            else if (p == "Repair") {
                select (thisModel)
                allSet = {selected}
                gChain = "XX"
                for (var idx = {allSet}.atomIndex.min;
                    idx <= {allSet}.atomIndex.max; idx++) {
                    if ({atomIndex=idx}.chain != gChain) {
                        gChain = {atomIndex=idx}.chain
                        select {(chain=gChain) and thisModel}
                        to_handle_collisions( idx)
            else {
        else {
    } # endwhile

    gZoom = script("show zoom")
    gRotate = script("show rotation")
    if (backup) {
        write plico_save.pdb
    select none

    gScheme = defaultColorScheme
    gAltScheme = ((gScheme == "jmol") ? "rasmol" : "jmol")
    set echo TOP LEFT
    background ECHO yellow
    gChain = ""
    gMenuMin = false

# gPlicoRecord is maintained by the macro plicoRecord
function plico_record(s) {
    var g = format("show file \"%s\"", gPlicoRecord)
    var ls = script(g)
    if (ls.find("FileNotFoundException") > 0) {
        ls = ""
    ls += s
    write var ls @gPlicoRecord

function plico_exit(undo) {
    var p = ""
    var done = false
    if (gPlico) {
        p = prompt(format("Exit %s?", gPlico),
            "Yes|No"+(undo ? "|Undo all" : ""), true)
        if (p == "Undo all") {
            load plico_save.pdb
            script inline gZoom
            rotate @gRotate
            echo Session undone
            if (gPlicoRecord != "") {
                plico_record("load plico_save.pdb;")
            reset gPlotEcho
            set AnimFrameCallback NONE
    if (p != "No") {
        halo off
        select (thisModel)
        halo off
        star off
        color {selected} @gScheme
        draw gSCcircle DELETE
        gBusy = false
        gEcho = ""
        set echo TOP LEFT
        background ECHO yellow
        echo @gEcho
        gMenuMin = false
        done = true

        # Pop selected
        select gSelSaves
    return done

function add_hydrogens(addh) {
    delete hydrogen
    connect {*} {*} aromatic modify
    if (addh) {
        calculate hydrogens
    calculate aromatic

# Prevents minimization from disrespecting planar elements
# and allows calculate hydrogens to place hydrogens correctly
function double_bond_planars(iChain, undo) {
print format("double_bond_planars(%s, %s)", iChain, undo)
    for (var i = get_resno_min(iChain); i <= get_resno_max(iChain); i++) {
        var aa = {resno=i}.group[0]
        var bps = ["O","C"]
        switch (aa) {
        case 'ARG' :
            bps += ["CZ","NH1"]
        case 'ASN' :
        case 'ASP' :
            bps += ["OD1","CG"]
        case 'GLN' :
        case 'GLU' :
            bps += ["OE1","CD"]
        case 'HIS' :
            bps += ["CG","CD2","CE1","NE2"]
        case 'PHE' :
        case 'TYR' :
            bps += ["CG","CD1","CD2","CE2","CE1","CZ"]
        case 'TRP' :
            bps += ["CG","CD1","CD2","CE2","CE3","CZ3","CZ2","CH2"]
        case 'A' :
        case 'G' :
        case 'DA' :
        case 'DG' :
            bps = ["N7","C8","C4","C5","N3","C2", ((aa = "A") ? "N1" : "O6"), "C6"]
        case 'C' :
        case 'U' :
        case 'T' :
        case 'DC' :
        case 'DT' :
        case 'DU' :
            bps = ["C5","C6","C2","O2","C4","CZ",((aa = "C") ? "N3" : "O4")]
        for (var j = 1; j <= bps.size; j += 2) {
            var a1 = get_atom_rcn( i, iChain, bps[j])
            var a2 = get_atom_rcn( i, iChain, bps[j+1])
            if (undo) {
                connect @a1 @a2 single
            else {
                connect @a1 @a2 double
        var a1 = get_atom_rcn(get_resno_max(iChain), iChain, "O")
        var a2 = get_atom_rcn(get_resno_max(iChain), iChain, "C")
        if (undo) {
            connect @a1 @a2 single
        else {
            connect @a1 @a2 double
    } # endfor
    if (_version > 1402015) {
        set multipleBondBananas true

function get_resno_max( iChain) {
    return {not hoh and not ligand and (chain=iChain) and thisModel}.resno.max

function get_resno_min( iChain) {
    return {not hoh and not ligand and (chain=iChain) and thisModel}.resno.min

function plico_minimize( aset) {
    try {
        var savemt = useMinimizationThread
        set useMinimizationThread false
        var ms = minimizationSilent
        set minimizationSilent true
        minimize @aset
        set useMinimizationThread savemt
        set minimizationSilent ms
    catch {
        print "minimization error"

function p(s) {
    print s

function delete_from_array( a, item) {
    for (var i = 1; i <= a.size; i++) {
        if (a[i] = item) {
            if (i == 1) {
                a = a[i+1][0]
            else {
                a = a[1][i-1]+a[i+1][0]

# end of plicocommon.spt

