User:Remig/plico/fold trna

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fold_trna predicts the tertiary structure of any tRNA from its sequence provided the tRNA has the universal elements of functional tRNAs: (proceeding 5' to 3') a 7 base-pair stem, 3 upaired nts, a 4 base-pair D stem, a 7, 8 or 9 base D loop, 1 unpaired nt, a 5 base-pair acceptor stem, a 7 base acceptor loop, 5 unpaired NTs or else a variable stem loop of any size, a TUCG stem of 5 base-pairs, a UCG loop of 7 bases, no NTs before the acceptor stem, and a final unpaired N or NCCA.

This script prompts for a tRNA sequence string (5' to 3', ACGUs only, with or without 3'CCA). The Genomic tRNA Database at is an excellent source for such strings.

It then loads a corresponding template tRNA from the PDB, replaces the template nucleotides with the input string nucleotide, minimizes to fix any resulting collisions, and, if needed, creates and inserts a variable loop.

The process takes a few minutes: the yellow progress message in the upper left will go pink for the duration.

The template used depends on the D loop size as follows:

   7:  1yfg    8:  3l0u    9:1ffy

Variable loop positioning is templated on the PDB entry 1ser.

The end model is double-bonded to prevent minimization errors. Use the Convert macro to remove them if desired.

Fold_trna is a member of the Plico suite of protein folding tools described here. It may be installed and accessed as a macro with the file:

Title=PLICO Fold tRNA
Script=script <path to your scripts directory>/fold_trna.spt;plico_fold_trna

saved as plicoFoldTrna.macro in your .jmol/macros directory as described in Macro.

Copy and paste the following to a text editor and save to your scripts directory as fold_trna.spt:

  1. fold_trna - Jmol script by Ron Mignery
  2. v1.1 beta 7/13/2015
  3. fold_trna predicts the tertiary structure of any tRNA from its sequence
  4. provided the tRNA has the universal elements of functional tRNAs:
  5. (proceeding 5' to 3') a 7 base-pair stem, 3 upaired nts, a 4 base-pair
  6. D stem, a 7, 8 or 9 base D loop, 1 unpaired nt, a 5 base-pair
  7. acceptor stem, a 7 base acceptor loop, 5 unpaired NTs or else a variable
  8. stem loop of any size, a TUCG stem of 5 base-pairs, a TUCG loop of 7
  9. bases, no NTs before the acceptor stem, and a final unpaired N or NCCA.
  10. Not all base pairs need be canonical.
  11. This script prompts for a tRNA sequence string
  12. (5' to 3', ACGUs only, with or without 3'CCA).
  13. The Genomic tRNA Database at
  14. is an excellent source for such strings.
  15. It then loads a corresponding template tRNA from the PDB, replaces the template
  16. nucleotides with the input string nucleotide, minimizes to fix any
  17. resulting collisions, and, if needed, creates and inserts a variable loop.
  18. The process takes a few minutes: the yellow progress message in the upper
  19. left will go pink for the duration.
  20. The template used depends on the D loop size as follows:
  21. 7: 1yfg 8: 3l0u 9:1ffy
  22. Variable loop positioning is templated on 1ser.
  23. The end model is double-bonded to prevent minimization errors.
  24. Use the Convert macro to remove them if desired.
  25. fold_rna uses the PLICO scripts plicoCommon.spt, plicoNTcommon.spt,
  26. polymeraze.spt, remapNT.spt, and convert_residue.spt which must be
  27. available in the same directory from which fold_rna.spt is loaded.
  1. TOP LEVEL FUNCTION - Find and fold all loops

function fold_all(iChain) {

   # Load common functions if not already
   if (kCommon < 4) {
       script $SCRIPT_PATH$plicoCommon.spt
       if (kCommon < 4) {
           prompt ("A newer version of plicoCommon.SPT is required")
   if (kNTcommon < 4) {
       script $SCRIPT_PATH$plicoNTcommon.spt
       if (kNTcommon < 4) {
           prompt ("A newer version of plicoNTcommon.SPT is required")
   if (iChain == "") {
       iChain = gChain1


function align_trna() {

   if (kPolymeraze < 1) {
       script $SCRIPT_PATH$polymeraze.spt
       echo dl polymeraze.spt
       if (kPolymeraze < 1) {
           prompt ("The Plico script polymeraze.spt (1.14+) is required")
   if (kRemapNT < 2) {
       script $SCRIPT_PATH$remapNT.spt
       echo dl remapNT.spt
       if (kRemapNT < 2) {
           prompt ("The Plico script remapNT.spt (1.14+) is required")
   if (kConvert < 1) {
       script $SCRIPT_PATH$convert_residue.spt
       echo dl convert_residue.spt
       if (kConvert < 1) {
           prompt ("The Plico script convert_residue.spt (1.4+) is required")
   # Prompt for new
   var nseq = prompt("Enter new tRNA NT sequence (ACGTU...)", "")%9999%0
   try {
       # If new is trna
       if (nseq.size > 67) {
           nseq = nseq.replace("T", "U")
           # Remove 3' CCA if present
           if (nseq[nseq.size-2][nseq.size] == "CCA") {
               if (eval_pairing( nseq, 1, nseq.size-4, 3) > 6) {
                   nseq = nseq[1][nseq.size-3]
           # Calc D loop size
           var dn = 7
           var ds = eval_pairing(nseq, 10, 24, 4)
           if (eval_pairing(nseq, 10, 25, 4) > ds) {
               ds = eval_pairing(nseq, 10, 25, 4)
               dn = 8
           if (eval_pairing(nseq, 10, 26, 4) > ds) {
               dn = 9
           var tpdb = ""
           set echo TOP LEFT
           background ECHO pink
           switch (dn) {
           case 7: # 1yfg
               tpdb = "1yfg"
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Loading " + tpdb
               echo @{gEcho}
               load "=1yfg"
               delete 74-76
               delete {connected(connected(atomName="C12"))} #T6A
               #convert_nt(16, "A", "U")
               #convert_nt(47, "A", "U")
           case 8: # 3l0u
               tpdb = "3l0u"
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Loading " + tpdb
               echo @{gEcho}
               load "=3l0u"
           case 9: # 1ffy
               tpdb = "1ffy"
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Loading " + tpdb
               echo @{gEcho}
               load "=1ffy"
               delete not :T
               delete 74
           default :
               throw "D loop not 7-9 bases"
           delete ligands
           delete hoh
           delete {atomName="CM?"}
           delete not connected
           set echo TOP LEFT
           gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Remapping " + tpdb
           echo @{gEcho}
           gChain1 = "A"
           remap_nt( 1, true, 1)
           {atomName="O"}.atomName="OP1" # 1yfg?
           var a = {all}.atomno.min
           var iChain = {atomno=a}.chain
           var rmin = {chain=iChain}.resno.min
           var rmax = {chain=iChain}.resno.max
           var pn5 = 1
           var pn3 = nseq.size
           # Convert from 5' and 3' until meet
           set echo TOP LEFT
           gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Converting " + tpdb
           echo @{gEcho}
           for (var i = 0; i < (37+dn); i++) {
               var ac1 = get_atom_rcn(rmin+i, iChain, "C1\'")
               if ( != nseq[pn5+i]) {
                   convert_nt(rmin+i, iChain, nseq[pn5+i])
           for (var i = 0; i < 28; i++) {
               var ac1 = get_atom_rcn(rmax-i, iChain, "C1\'")
               if ( != nseq[pn3-i]) {
                   convert_nt(rmax-i, iChain, nseq[pn3-i])
           set echo TOP LEFT
           gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Renumbering atoms"
           echo @{gEcho}
           # Double bond the bases and add Hs to keep minimizations kosher
           set echo TOP LEFT
           gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Double-bonding"
           echo @{gEcho}
           double_bond_planars(iChain, false)
           # Position at origin
           select all
           var ac1 = get_atom_rcn(rmin, iChain, "C1\'")
           var ac2 = get_atom_rcn(rmin, iChain, "C2\'")
           var ac3 = get_atom_rcn(rmin, iChain, "C3\'")
           translateSelected @{}
           var axis = cross({1 0 0},
           var curangle =  angle({1 0 0}, {0 0 0},
           rotateSelected @axis {0 0 0} @{curangle}
           axis = cross({0 -1 0},
           curangle =  angle({0 -1 0}, {0 0 0},
           rotateSelected @axis {0 0 0} @{curangle}
           translateSelected {-4 0 0}
           center {0 0 0}
           # Fix new collisions                
           set echo TOP LEFT
           /*for (var i = 1; i < {chain=iChain}.resno.max; i++) {*/
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Minimizing collisions NT" + i
               echo @{gEcho}
               #minimize_for_collision(i, iChain)
           fix_p_res_range(1, {chain=iChain}.resno.max, iChain, true) 

echo 1=t if (x1) throw context t

           # If more on new
           var rr =  pn3-pn5-(rmax-rmin)+1
           if (rr > 1) {
               # Renumber 3' fragment += rr
               delete {resno=@{38+dn}}
               var aP = get_atom_rcn(39+dn, iChain, "P")
               set echo TOP LEFT
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Remapping from NT" + (39+dn)
               echo @{gEcho}
               remap_nt(aP.atomIndex, true, 38+dn+rr)
               # Make var loop base

echo 1.1=t if (x1) throw context t

               make_var_loop_base( 37+dn, iChain)

echo 1.2=t if (x1) throw context t

               if (is_form_a(38+dn+rr, iChain) == false) {
                   to_ab_nt_res(38+dn+rr, -1, iChain, true)

echo 1.3=t if (x1) throw context t

               pair_it_res( 38+dn+rr, 37+dn, -1, iChain, iChain)

echo 2=t if (x1) throw context t

               var aO3 = get_atom_rcn(38+dn+rr, iChain, "O3\'")
               aP = get_atom_rcn(39+dn+rr, iChain, "P")
               var aRot = get_atom_rcn(37+dn, iChain, "P")
               fix_p_res(39+dn+rr, iChain, true)
               select {(resno=@{38+dn+rr}) or (resno=@{37+dn})}
               for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {        
                   pivot_to_close_atoms( aO3, aP, aRot, 1.74)
                   fix_p_res(39+dn+rr, iChain, true)

echo 3=t if (x1) throw context t

               # Gen variable loop
               gen_variable_loop(nSeq, rr, dn, iChain) # CALL
           # Fix new collisions                

echo 4=t if (x1) throw context t

           set echo TOP LEFT
           for (var i = 1; i < {chain=iChain}.resno.max; i++) {
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Minimizing collisions NT" + i
               echo @{gEcho}
               #minimize_for_collision(i, iChain)
           for (var i = 1; i < {chain=iChain}.resno.max; i++) {
               gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Repairing backbone NT" + i
               echo @{gEcho}
               #fix_p_res(i, iChain, true)

cc echo cc=t if (x1) throw context t

           select all
           color jmol       
           set echo TOP LEFT
           background ECHO yellow
           gEcho = "tRNA aligned..."
           echo @{gEcho}
       else {
           throw "string is too short (<68)"
   catch(e) {
       set echo TOP LEFT
       echo @{format("%s Unable to process... %s", e, thrown_value)}


function gen_variable_loop(nSeq, rr, dn, iChain) {

   var seq = "RS" + (nSeq[38+dn][37+dn+rr])
   gAppendNew = appendNew
   set appendNew false
   # Gen the loop at the origin
   for (var i = 0; i < rr; i++) {
       # Add and stack 5' res
       set echo TOP LEFT
       gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Adding " + nSeq[38+dn+i] + (38+dn+i)
       echo @{gEcho}
       gA = "data \"append nt\"\n"
       gA += gen_nt(38+dn+i, nSeq[38+dn+i], true, false); # CALL
       gA += "end \"append nt\""
       script inline @{gA}
       to_ab_nt_res(38+dn+i, -1, iChain, true)
       base_stack_res(38+dn+i, 37+dn+i, iChain, iChain, 4.8, 23.7, true)
       connect_res_nt( 37+dn+i, 38+dn+i, iChain, false)
       fix_p_res(37+dn+i, iChain, true)
       fix_p_res(38+dn+i, iChain, true)
   } # endfor +rr res
   # Pair up the loop
   set echo TOP LEFT
   gEcho = "aligning tRNA... Form variable stem-loop"
   echo @{gEcho}
   for (var i = 0; i < rr\2; i++) {
       pair_it_res(37+dn+rr-i, 38+dn+i, -1, iChain, iChain)
   # Make a tetra loop
   # If PYR
   if ((nSeq[36+dn+(rr/2)] = "U") or (nSeq[36+dn+(rr/2)] = "C")) {
       #echo make uncg fold
       make_uncg_loop(36+dn+(rr/2), 37+dn, iChain)
   # else 
   else {
       #echo make gnra fold
       make_gnra_loop(36+dn+(rr/2), 37+dn, iChain)
   for (var i = 0; i < rr\2; i++) {
       if (eval_pairing( nseq, 38+dn+i, 37+dn+rr-1, 1) > 0) {
           pair_it_res(38+dn+i, 37+dn+rr-i, -1, iChain, iChain)
       else {
   fix_p_res_range(37+dn, 36+dn+rr, iChain, true) 
   for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
       minimize_for_collision(35+dn+(rr\2)+i, iChain)
   # Connect loop
   connect_res_nt( 37+dn, 38+dn, iChain, false)
   connect_res_nt( 37+dn+rr, 38+dn+rr, iChain, false)
   appendNew = gAppendNew


function make_var_loop_base( r5, iChain) {

   var vs = [5.35, 108.6, 97.7, 95.5, -54.2, 24.2, -38.9, -8.4]
   position_nt_by_vs(r5-1, r5-2, r5, vs, iChain, iChain)
   vs = [10.36, 61.7, 72.5, 64.7, -40.8, 62.4, -8.4, -19.3]
   position_nt_by_vs(r5, r5-1, r5+1, vs, iChain, iChain)
   fix_p_res(r5, iChain, true)
   fix_p_res(r5+1, iChain, true)


  1. end fold_trna.spt

