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Jmol users, please add your (X)HTML website here.
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This page has been split in two because it got very large and cumbersome to edit.
* [http://www.3dchem.com/ 3Dchem.com] ''The Molecule of the Month website from the University of Oxford, now updated to make use of Jmol, showing hundreds of small molecules, inorganic polyhedra and protein structures'' - Karl Harrison, Oxford, UK.
* [http://csi.chemie.tu-darmstadt.de/ak/immel/misc/oc-scripts/structures.html 3D-Structures in Organic Chemistry] ''Models and structures related to teaching basic organic chemistry (DE)'' - PD Dr. Stefan Immel
*[[Websites Using Jmol: A-L]]
* [http://csi.chemie.tu-darmstadt.de/ak/immel/misc/oc-scripts/chirality.html 3D-Structures of Achiral and Chiral Molecules] ''Structures visualizing different types of chirality (DE)'' - PD Dr. Stefan Immel
*[[Websites Using Jmol: M-Z]]
* [http://csi.chemie.tu-darmstadt.de/ak/immel/misc/oc-scripts/vibrations.html 3D-Structures and Animations in Vibrational Spectroscopy] ''Structures and animations used to visualize vibrational frequencies in IR spectroscopy (DE)'' - PD Dr. Stefan Immel
* [http://www.aptanomics.com/ Aptanomics Intranet] ''The Jmol applet is used to explore the structure of molecules in our database.'' - Aptanomics SA, Lyon, France.
* [http://av.bmbq.uma.es/bma/apuntes/index.htm Apuntes de Biología Molecular] ''by M. Gonzalo Claros'' - Universidad de Málaga, Málaga (Spain).
* [http://atlas.proteinexplorer.org Atlas of Macromolecules] is a browsable list of over 150 3D protein or nucleic acid structures, many with snapshots, and each with links for viewing in [http://firstglance.jmol.org FirstGlance in Jmol].
*[http://fenix.cecalc.ula.ve/moleculas/ Banco de Datos de Moleculas Interactivas] is an undergoing project to provide High School and Higher Education Students and Teachers with tools to develop a throughly chemistry teaching experience.-in Spanish, by [[User:einarabelc5| Einar Coutin]], Universidad de Los Andes (Venezuela).
* [http://www.rosalindfranklin.edu/cms/biochem/Walters/psf.html Biochemistry for Medical Students--Protein Structure and Function] Examples of protein structures relevant to medicine.  --Eric Walters, Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science (USA).
* [http://biomodel.uah.es/ Biomodel] ''Teaching resources and self-guided learning for structure and interaction of biomolecules: amino acids, carbohydrates, stereoisomerism, lipids, lipid bilayer, proteins, nucleic acids, nucleic acid-protein complexes, biopolymers'' - in Spanish, by [[User:AngelHerraez|Angel Herraez]], Universidad de Alcalá (Spain).
* [http://www.umass.edu/molvis/bme3d/ Biomolecular Explorer 3D] ''designed to give high school biology teachers easy access to interactive 3D structures of biologically significant molecules. Website and CD-ROM.''
* [http://biology.kenyon.edu/BMB/chime.htm Biomolecules at Kenyon] Jmol tutorials created by Kenyon College undergraduates.
* [http://www.biorom.uma.es/ BioROM] ''Ayudas para el aprendizaje de bioquímica, biotecnología y biología molecular'' - Material in Spanish, a collaboration among several universities from Spain and Chile. Website and CD-ROM.
* [http://www6.ufrgs.br/bioquimica/ Bioquímica e Biologia Molecular] - Centro de Biotecnologia e Faculdade de Veterinária - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Porto Alegre - Brazil (in portuguese)
* [http://www.biotopics.co.uk/JmolApplet/jcontentstable.html Biotopics] ''3-D structures of simple Biological molecules - carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, other compounds of Biological interest.''
* [http://wiki.symplus.co.jp/pdb/start_en BioWiki] ''Wiki with Jmol applet - users can place 3D-molecular models anywhere in this wiki easily.''
* [http://www.nuigalway.ie/chem/baremolecules.php Browser-linked Chemkin-style thermodynamic database] ''Demo for linking chemical nicknames & structures without altering a legacy database.''
* [http://www.chemeddl.org/collections/molecules/ ChemEdDL's Molecules 360 ] ''A collection of small inorganic molecules and their properties. Hosted at the [http://www.chemeddl.org/ Chemical Education Digital Library].''
* [http://www.chemexper.com/ ChemExper Chemical Directory] ''A database containing over 500000 molecules, 10000 IR and 70000 3D models that can be visualized using Jmol.''
* [http://chemistry-development-kit.org/ CDK Web] ''Show case for functionality in the Chemistry Development Kit. The website uses Jmol for generated rendering 3D structures.''
* [http://wwwchem.uwimona.edu.jm/lectures Chemistry of Things Jamaica] - University of the West Indies, Mona, JAMAICA, Includes; ''Coffee, sugar and rum, fruit and vegetables, spices, bauxite, etc.''
* [http://chemoinformatician.co.uk/main/ChemoinformaticsSoftware.html Chemoinformatics software], Ed Cannon, PhD student, University of Cambridge. The website uses Jmol to illustrate Open Software and 3D molecule visualization.
* [http://www.chemspider.com/ ChemSpider] ''Building a structure centric community for chemists. Almost 20 million molecules and using Jmol to display them.''
* [http://www.chemtube3d.com/ ChemTube3D] "Interactive 3D Organic Reaction Mechanisms and supporting information on reactivity and spectroscopy. By Nick Greeves  at the University of Liverpool, UK."
* [http://www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff/gutow/Orbitals/Cl/Cl_AOs.html Chlorine Atomic Orbitals] - Hosted by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh this web page allows the user to display up to 4 atomic orbitals in Jmol.  Perl scripts for generating pages like this will be made available soon (2006/05/22).
* [http://bioinfo.ernet.in/cep.htm Conformational Epitope Prediction Server] - Bioinformatics Centre, University of Pune, India. Shows predicted surface antigenic epitopes in Jmol.
* [http://cocon.nmr.de Cocon on the Web] - Generation of constitutions based on NMR correlation data, uses Jmol to visualize the results.
* [http://www.stolaf.edu/depts/chemistry/mo/struc/ CoolMolecules] - St. Olaf College, USA.
* [http://www.crystal.unito.it/mssc2006_cd/tutorials/webvib/index.html Crystal Tutorial Project: Vibration modes on a web page using Jmol] - Y. Noel, Università di Torino, Italy.
* [http://ekhidna.biocenter.helsinki.fi/dali/ Dali] - Protein structure comparison and database searching. Resulting structural superimpositions viewed using Jmol.
* [http://www.ecosci.jp/ec.html Data Book of Molecules] - Home Page for Learning Environmental Chemistry, Japan
* [http://www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff/gutow/VSEPR_TUTORIAL/VSEPR.html Dr. Gutow's VSEPR Tutorial] - Hosted by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh this is a tutorial on the VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) model for determining molecular shapes. Example molecules viewed using Jmol.
* [http://www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff/gutow/Orbitals/Cl/Cl_AOs.shtml Dr. Gutow's Atomic Orbital Page] - Hosted by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh this site uses Jmol to allow the user to choose and compare atomic orbitals (1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, 4s, 3d and 4p orbitals).
* [http://www.uwosh.edu/faculty_staff/gutow/Orbitals/N/sp%20hybrid.shtml Dr. Gutow's Hybrid Atomic Orbital Site] - Hosted by the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh this site uses Jmol to allow the user to choose and and compare hybrid atomic orbitals.  A general chemistry level explanation is also provided.
* [http://www.dcu.ie/%7Epratta/ DCU CHIME and Jmol Pages] - Dublin City University visitor access page to Molecular Viewing Galleries and organic chemistry tutorials.
* [http://www.woc.science.ru.nl/ Dutch Dictionary on Organic Chemistry] - Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
* [http://www.edinformatics.com/interactive_molecules/ EDinformatics -- Explain it With Molecules] This is an interactive site designed for K-12 students.
* [http://www.erowid.org/psychoactives/chemistry/chemistry_compare_3d.php Erowid chem compare 3d] side-by-side comparison of two molecules for many, many psychoactive compounds. Features: dynamic loading of applet without page reload based on user preferences; synchronization of mouse control for both molecules; Highlighting of elements with drop-down menu.
* [http://theory-of-evolution.net/evolution-of-knowledge.html Evolution of Knowledge] ''Uses scripts to color conserved amino acids in proteins like insulin and G3PD. Attention: this is an "intelligent design" website that links to non-peer reviewed material. The arguments for intelligent design of macromolecules and of life in general are very weak and have been refuted in many venues. Note that the chapters of the book that this site links to have not been subject to legitimate peer review.''
* [http://firstglance.jmol.org/ FirstGlance in Jmol] is a simple, browser-based tool for molecular visualization. Buttons show informative views of any macromolecule available on-line. Help, including color keys, appears automatically and is always in view. Hyperlinks show a molecule in one click. It is designed to be useful both to novices and to specialists.
* [http://flexweb.asu.edu/software/first FlexWeb - FIRST Online] - Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA; ''FIRST / FRODA Software for rigidity analysis and geometric rigidity simulation. Registration Required but free for non-commercial users''
* [http://www.factorxi.com/ FXI Deficiency Mutation Database] - UCL, UK
* [http://agknapp.chemie.fu-berlin.de/gplus GANGSTA+] - GANGSTA+ non-sequential 3D-structure alignment tool
* [http://gris.ulb.ac.be GRIS: Glycoprotein-hormone Receptors Information System] - GRIS gathers and presents heterogenous data on glycoprotein-hormone receptors (GpHRs) such as mutational data, homology models and allows the users to employ several structural analysis tools. Jmol is used to visualize the models.
* [http://www.hbar-lab.com hBar Lab: Computer-aided Chemistry On Demand] - First web application for performing molecular modeling calculations including quantum chemistry calculations online. registration required.
* [http://dna.ccs.tulane.edu/icm Interactive Chromatin Modeling ] - ICM (I see 'em) Web is the Interactive Chromatin Modeling Webserver at [http://dna.ccs.tulane.edu Bishop's Theoretical Molecular Biology Lab ] that allows users to fold a sequence of DNA into an array of nucleosomes or chromatin.
* [http://imgt.cines.fr IMGT/3Dstructure-DB]: IMGT&reg; (http://[http://imgt.cines.fr imgt.cines.fr]) is the international ImMunoGeneTics information system, an integrated knowledge resource specialized in the immunoglobulins, T cell receptors, major histocompatibility complex and related proteins of the immune system.
* [http://icsd.ill.fr/ Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)] is the world's most extensive database of inorganic crystal structure data. It is produced by the Fachinformationszentrum FIZ Karlsruhe in Europe and the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST, with the WWW and Jmol interface developed at the Institute Laue-Langevin ILL in France.
* [http://techcenter.mbi.ucla.edu/Gallery/jmol.php ISFI - Integrated Structure Function Innovation Website] Jmol viewer in the structure gallery. The Integrated Center for Structure and Function Innovation (ISFI) is an NIH Protein Structure Initiative Specialized Center focused on developing and applying a set of synergistic technologies organized to overcome recognized bottlenecks in structure determination at the key steps of production of soluble protein and protein crystallization.
* [http://jena3d.fli-leibniz.de/ Jena3D Viewer (Jena3D)] - Jena3D is a web-based interactive viewer for three-dimensional biopolymer structures, based on Jmol. It provides access to all structure entries deposited at the Protein Data Bank (PDB) or at the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB). In addition, local structure files can be viewed. Jena3D visualizes not only information included in the PDB files but also SCOP, CATH and Pfam domains, SAPs(SNPs), PROSITE motifs and the exon structure mapped onto proteins. It is closely linked to the Jena Library of Biological Macromolecules (JenaLib).
* [http://www.fli-leibniz.de/IMAGE.html Jena Library of Biological Macromolecules (JenaLib)] - Integrated database on all 3D structures available at the Protein Data Bank (PDB) and the Nucleic Acid Database (NDB). Information from other databases like UniProt, PROSITE and ENSEMBL is mapped onto protein structures. For visualization the closely related Jmol based Jena3D Viewer is used. Jena, Germany
* [http://www.hiv.lanl.gov/content/sequence/PROTVIS/html/protvis.html LANL Protein Feature Accent tool] - The HIV database team at Los Alamos National Laboratory website now features a tool for examining the structural placement of sequence features using Jmol.  Protein sequences or alignments can be submitted and will be aligned to sequences from selected HIV protein structures; sequence features in the alignment may then be selected with the mouse and corresponding residues will be highlighted on the protein graphic in the Jmol window.
* [http://www.librairiedemolecules.education.fr/ Librairie de molécules] - Molecular model library for science secondary teachers in french, France
* [http://modeome3d-pbil.ibcp.fr/ Modeome3D database] - Homology 3D-models database with Jmol integrated tools.
* [http://www.cmbi.ru.nl/wetche/organic/ Mol4D] - CMBI, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands ''Tutorials Organic Chemistry and Molecule editor/Mopac interface.''
* [http://www.molecularmodels.ca Molecular Models] ''Many models available sorted by functional group, name, or formula. A tutorial in organic nomenclature is also at this site.''
* [http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/mo/acs2001/models.htm Molecular Origami] ''Precision Scale Models from Paper. View the model using Jmol or make it out of paper yourself. - St. Olaf College]
* [http://www.medicalcomputing.net/endocrine.html Molecular Structure of Hormones in the Human Body (Medical Computing .Net)] - Irvine, USA
* [http://cheminf.cmbi.ru.nl/wetche/vwo/cdrom05/jmol/ Moleculen in Beweging] - CMBI, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands ''Very nice Dutch website for high school students on several aspects of chemistry. I especially liked the IR section which links peaks to actual vibrations.''
* [http://pedagogie.ac-toulouse.fr/svt/serveur/lycee/gutjahr/molec3D/serveur_molec3d/accueil_doss.htm Molécules en 3D] ''dossiers profitant des fonctionnalités de l'applet Jmol et utilisables par les élèves de second cycle (seconde, première, terminale) de l'enseignement français (dossiers adaptés aux programmes français en vigueur).''
* [http://www.moleculesinmotion.com Molecules In Motion] ''molecular animations - Interactive Molecular Structures''
* [http://www.chm.bris.ac.uk/motm/motm.htm Molecule of the Month at Bristol University] ''Interesting facts about molecules written by contributors from all over the world.''
* [http://www.marietta.edu/~spilatrs/MnQuiry/Home/MnQHome.html MolnQuiry] Dept of Biology, Marietta College, Marietta Ohio. ''An educational site presenting the structural properties of biological molecules in an interactive, task-oriented learning environment''
* [http://www.ucd.ie/chem/molvis/index.html Molevision] Molevision, to rhyme with television, is a simple site designed to help students taking their first university modules in organic chemistry.
* [http://3dmd.molvisions.com/modelgallery/index.php MolVisions] ''Custom physical models of molecules.''
* [http://molviz.org MolviZ.Org] offers tutorials on DNA Structure, Hemoglobin, Lipid Bilayers and Channels, Collagen, and other Jmol-based and cross-platform resources for education and research.
* [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/chempdb/ MSD ligand chemistry] - European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
* [http://www1.na.infn.it/cmg/Ninno/index.php?n=Software.Vis Nanocrystal Visualization Tool] - Web interface for the visualization of semiconductor nanocrystals - University of Naples, Italy.
* [http://nasim.ccms.elf.stuba.sk/redirectors/2nasim.html NASIM/VPL] - University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovakia ''NASIM/VPL - Nanotechnology Simulator / Virtual Physician Laboratory is a opensource initiative of CCMS laboratory built on top of Jmol and other projects that provides to construct simple molecules with interactive editor and compute problems from chemistry on computer clusters.''
* [http://phm.utoronto.ca/~jeffh/neuromouse.htm NeuroMouse] - University of Toronto; Toronto, Canada.  ''Neuromouse - is an interactive object-oriented database of information on the mouse nervous system. Jmol viewers are employed to allow users to visualize key proteins in important signal transduction pathways such as those which govern the process of programmed cell death (apoptosis). ''
* [http://bip.weizmann.ac.il/oca OCA] - ''OCA, a browser/database for protein structure and function'' at the Weizmann Institute, Israel and several mirror sites around the world; offers a convenient interface for searching the Protein Databank (PDB) and uses Jmol to show results.
* [http://winter.group.shef.ac.uk/orbitron/ Orbitron] - ''The Orbitron: a gallery of atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals on the WWW'' by Mark Winter at the University of Sheffield, UK: includes dot-density plots rendered in Jmol for the display of atomic, hybrid, and a few molecular orbitals
* [http://www.clunet.edu/BioDev/omm/gallery.htm Online Macromolecular Museum] - CLU, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA ''The OMM contains exhibits of a variety of macromolecules. New exhibits use Jmol. Older, Chime-based exhibits are being converted to Jmol. One exhibit is an interactive Jmol scripting tutorial.''
* [http://molecularmodels.ca/nomenclature/nom1.htm Organic Nomenclature] - Learn how to name organic molecules using the IUPAC system; learn how to recognise, draw and name stereoisomers (E/Z, R/S, M,P).
* [http://p53.bii.a-star.edu.sg/ p53 Knowledgebase] - Bioinformatics Institute (Singapore)
* [http://pfp.technion.ac.il/ PatchFinderPlus] is an automatic server to extract and display the largest positive electrostatic patch on a protein surface. Uses JmolApplet to display results.
* [http://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/databases/pdbsum/ PDBsum] - European Bioinformatics Institute, UK
* [http://www.chemeddl.org/collections/ptl/ Periodic Table Live! ] - allows you to explore a broad range of information about the elements, their reactions, their properties, their structures and their histories. Hosted at the [http://www.chemeddl.org/ Chemical Education Digital Library]
* [http://chemweb.chem.fsu.edu/editors/rlight/polyhedra/index.html Polyhedra structures] Links to the five Platonic solids and to a truncated icosahedron, all with colored faces, and a link to the C60 buckminsterfullerene structure.
* [http://polyview.cchmc.org/polyview3d.html POLYVIEW-3D] - ''Automated annotation and visualization of macromolecular structures'' - University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation, USA
* [http://propka.ki.ku.dk PROPKA server] PROPKA server for protein pKa predictions
* [http://www.rcsb.org/pdb Protein Data Bank] ''Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank now uses Jmol as one of its primary viewers ''
* [http://bip.weizmann.ac.il/dipol/indexj.html Protein Dipole Moment Server] - Weizmann Institute, Rehovot Israel ''With this server you can discover if your protein might have an unusally large net charge or dipole moment, and how this might relate to specific structural features of the protein, and thereby its function.''
* [http://www.proteinexplorer.org/ ProteinExplorer.Org] - A powerful software package to help explore and understand macromolecular 3D structure, with levels for beginners and experts. Although it works primarily with Chime, molecular views can be exported to [http://www.molslides.org/ MolSlides that use Jmol].
* [http://www.columba-db.de/ Protein Structure Annotation Database] ''A database of protein structure annotation that uses the Jmol applet as really nice tool for displaying the structure of proteins.''
* [http://3d-alignment.eu/ Protein Workbench STRAP] ''Simultaneously displays sequence alignments and 3d-Structures.''
*[http://www.proteopedia.org PROTEOPEDIA:] The collaborative, 3D encyclopedia of proteins and other molecules
* [http://theory.chem.umn.edu/QCRNA/ QCRNA] ''The DFT Database for RNA Catalysis is a large collection of high-level density-functional electronic structure calculations of molecules, complexes and reactions relevent to RNA catalysis.''
* [http://q4md-forcefieldtools.org/REDDB/ RESP ESP charge DDataBase, R.E.DD.B.] ''R.E.DD.B. is a database of RESP and ESP charges of high quality and reproducibility, and force field libraries for small molecules and molecular fragments: A database for computational biologists involved in AMBER/GAFF, CHARMM, GLYCAM & OPLS force field based biological studies.'' Université de Picardie Jules Verne - Burnham Institute for Medical Research.
* [http://rcmd-server.frm.uniroma1.it Rome Center for Molecular Design] ''RCMD - we use Jmol to view 3-D models of new potential drugs'' - Rino Ragno, Roma, ITA.
* [http://ci.vbi.vt.edu/cammer/schism2.html SChiSM2] Authoring tool: Use a web browser form to create a web page containing a series of molecular views in Jmol with buttons and descriptions. Requires knowledge of Jmol script language, but neither HTML nor javascript. You can save your project to a file and load it later.
* [http://www.sciencestuff.com Science Stuff, Inc.] - ''uses Jmol to present 3-d structures of chemical compounds in their chemicals catalog.''
* [http://sppider.cchmc.org/ SPPIDER] - ''Analysis and prediction of protein-protein interaction sites'' - University of Cincinnati and Cincinnati Children's Hospital Research Foundation, USA
* [http://molecularmodels.ca/nomenclature/nom1.htm Stereochemistry] - Learn how to name organic molecules using the IUPAC system; learn how to recognise, draw and name stereoisomers (E/Z, R/S, M,P).
* [http://www.scicom.demon.co.uk Structure and reaction mechanism of RUBISCO] ''A Rubisco tutorial with a Jmol version.''
* [http://www.stolaf.edu/people/hansonr/sudoku Sudoku Assistant] ''Uses Jmol to visualize the three-dimensional logical chains of Sudoku puzzles.''
* [http://bioinf-tomcat.charite.de/superligands/ SuperLigands] - an encyclopedia dedicated to a ligand oriented view of the protein structural space. The database contains small molecule structures occurring as ligands in the Protein Data Bank. SuperLigands integrates different information about drug-likeness or binding properties. A 3D superpositioning algorithm is implemented that allows to screen all ligands for possible scaffold hoppers as well as a 2D similarity screen for compounds based on fingerprints.
* [http://symmetry.otterbein.edu/ Symmetry Resources at Otterbein] - includes ''Symmetry Tutorial'', an introduction to point group symmetry that uses Jmol to visualize symmetry elements and operations, and ''The Symmetry Gallery'', an interactive collection of over 60 unique molecules with interactive display of all symmetry elements and animation of all operations. (Outstanding animated effects!)
* [http://virtual-museum.soils.wisc.edu/ The Virtual Museum of Minerals and Molecules] - Previously implemented on Chime, the VMMM is now fully converted to Jmol (applet + JavaScript), with over 100 molecules and minerals in its galleries.
* [http://skuld.bmsc.washington.edu/~tlsmd/ TLS Motion Determination] - University of Washington, USA ''Analyzes a protein crystal structure for evidence of flexibility. Animations of the predicted flexibility are presented using Jmol.''
* [http://top5.molviz.org Top Five 3D Molecular Visualization Technologies for the Rest of Us] - Tutorials, a Tutorial-Authoring Template, a Self-Directed Molecular Exploration Tool (FirstGlance in Jmol), a tool for Seeing Protein Evolution (ConSurf), all in Jmol, plus an easy web form for generating publication-quality custom molecular views or powerpoint-ready animations (uses PyMol).
* [http://topmatch.services.came.sbg.ac.at TopMatch-web] - ''Center of Applied Molecular Engineering, University of Salzburg, Austria.'' Public web service for the alignment and superposition of protein structures and the instant visualization of structural similiarities.
* [http://wwwchem.uwimona.edu.jm/courses/ Transition Metal Chemistry Courses for 1st and 2nd year University students] - University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica. Includes; ''coordination chemistry, crystal field theory, spectroscopy and magnetism, Java applets for display of Tanabe-Sugano diagrams and JCAMP-DX files''.
* [http://translib.chemres.hu/ Transporter Library] ''The Transporter Ligand Library, created by Dept. of Neurochemistry, CRC, HAS collects biological and structural information about ligands for neurotransmitter transporters.'' - Budapest, Hungary
* [http://undergrad-ed.chemistry.ohio-state.edu/ Undergraduate Education] - Ohio State University, USA ''A collection of online educational material for Chemistry. The main focus is on Organic Chemistry but there are also materials for General Chemistry. Many areas use Chime, but I am converting to Jmol.''
* [http://macxray.chem.upenn.edu/ U Penn X-ray Facility] - The X-ray Facility in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania uses Jmol to archive completed structure determinations
* [http://viperdb.scripps.edu/ Virus Particle ExploreR] - VIPERdb at The Scripps Research Institute. Enter the world of Icosahedral (isometric) Viral Capsids. We are interested in the study of capsid formation through the analysis of protein-protein interactions. Jmol helps visualize the symmetrical arrangements these proteins take when fully assembled into the viral capsid. It also serves as an educational tool to help understand concepts as the triangulation number (T), icosahedral symmetry, etc. To see it in action, access an entry info page for a particular virus (for example PDB-ID 2bbv) and open the IAU (Icosahedral Asymmetric Unit) tab.
* [http://www.cem.msu.edu/~reusch/vtxtindex.htm Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry] - Michigan State University, USA Because this is a large site the Jmol references may be difficult to find ... but they are in there.
* [http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/Bob World Wide Molecular Matrix] - Unilever Centre at Cambridge, UK (2006/04/12 file not found)
* [http://www.webtb.org/Gallery/jmol.php WebTB.org - Public resource for information on TB Structural genomics] Jmol viewer in the structure gallery. Part of the TB Structural Genomics Consortium, WebTB.org is a public resource for information on TB proteins, published protein structures, protein homology, and structural genomics efforts and progress.
* [http://surya.bic.nus.edu.sg/xdom/ XdomView] - National University of Singapore
* [http://people.biochem.umass.edu/fournierlab/snornadb/ Yeast snoRNA Database] - University of Massachusetts, Amherst. ''A comprehensive database of S. cerevisiae H/ACA and C/D box small nucleolar RNAs.''
* [http://zinc.docking.org/ Zinc is not Commercial] - University of California, San Francisco, USA Database with more than 3.3 million 3D small molecules free for download and online viewable with Jmol

Latest revision as of 23:26, 28 January 2016

Jmol / JSmol Applications

This page has been split in two because it got very large and cumbersome to edit.